Sunday, August 1, 2010

Urban Renewal

Downtown Birmingham is a decent size urban setting, and thankfully, we've recently been seeing some renewal. This is a picture of Park Place in Downtown. This is a mixed-income, partially subsidized apartment community. It is a pretty large complex to be in an urban area, and their waiting list has been full for a couple of years. They also have an urban garden right across the street. The Jones Valley Urban Farm- Gardens of Park Place, is an urban farm located downtown where they have a farmers market and residents of Park Place can come and plant a plot and grow healthy, hearty food for themselves and their neighbors. There is also a good amount of age diversity in Park Place. There's everything from infants to elderly, children, teens, young adults, and married couples. Last, there are also many engagements between market rate renters and low income renters at Park Place due to the vast diversity in incomes between neighbors. All of these components help to provide some urban renewal to Birmingham's downtown.

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