Wednesday, July 21, 2010

5.7 Neighborhood Schools

Crestline Elementary is located at the Southeastern end of Crestline Village. It is one of four elementary schools within Mountain Brook, and is the largest. A large number of the students at Crestline could walk to school. Whether they do or not is a different story all together. For kindergarten to second grade, I lived next door to the school, literally. But I really grew up a half mile away from the Village. My brother and I had to either walk or ride our bikes to school. The only time our parents drove us was if it was 30 degrees outside or raining. Crestline Elementary provides after school daycare and is a great place for neighborhood children to play after school. There is a large playground, a couple of tennis courts, a couple of basketball goals, and two full size football/soccer fields. It's like mecca for children. The best things about Crestline Elementary are that it's in a neighborhood and also in a "city center."

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