Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where the 280 Sprawl Began

This photograph was taken at the top of The Summit, overlooking the lower level of The Summit and the beginning of the Hwy 280 sprawl area. In the picture, the foreground specifically shows the commercial strip aspect of sprawl, which includes automobile dependence. If it wasn't for the automobile, places such as The Summit would cease to exist, at least in our city. This area has a little more walkability than further down Hwy 280, but i wouldn't exactly call it walkable. There is a little bit more grass and trees, but not enough to make a real difference. One thing the Summit does have going for it is the residential area at the very top of the property. Yet, there's a huge drawback if you live here. It's not the most pedestrian friendly area. Sure, you could walk to a restaurant and eat some dinner, but it gets a little tricky if that restaurant is on the low side of the Summit. Crossing a four-lane road isn't exactly easy with the volume of traffic that flows through this place. The residents can't even walk to the grocery store to pick up a few necessities, because the Summit doesn't have a grocery store. It's all materialistic shopping and restaurants. Who knows what will open next.

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