The majority of Mt. Laurel has rear side garages off of alley-ways or on street parking. This picture portrays just that. This design promotes a number of good things. One, the working family members will be arriving home around the same time, and parking in such close vicinity to each others homes increases the chances of neighborly interactions. The trash is also picked up in the alleys, hopefully increasing the probability of neighbor interaction. Even with something as simple as taking out the trash, New Urbanist designs attempt to bring us all closer together as friends. Having the mailboxes on the alleys is for the exact same reasons. Hoping that neighbors will run into each other, and not run away from one another. Also this is a great place for children to play. Where there is not too much traffic. I think this design is of positive intent, but overall it's up to the people themselves to make the purpose of the design succeed.
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