Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sprawl, Sprawl, and more Sprawl

Just outside of Birmingham City Limits people can find sprawl just about anywhere they turn. I took this photograph just down the street from where I live. This was taken on Montclair Road looking towards Irondale. The photo doesn't give the view justice, but from here one can see a string of sprawl establishments. Going down the street from here, you'll pass a Milo's, Bojangles, Zazby's, McDonald's, Chik-Fil-A, and a Wal-Mart Supercenter with an "appropriately" attached strip mall. All in a span of less than half of a mile. Five drive-thrus and a corporate retail monster. The surrounding area does have a few apartment complexes and a few residential neighborhoods. Everything in this area depends on the automobile. The neighborhoods have no paved sidewalks, yet this major thoroughfare does. I live within walking distance of these locations, but I have never walked to them due to the hassle of dealing with the innumerous vehicles as a pedestrian. This design promotes relying on your car and avoiding human contact by taking advantage of drive-thru windows. Where it ends, no one knows.

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